It’s no secret that a good workout can give you a well-needed boost of serotonin after a long day. That little bit of energy can completely shift your mood whether you work out in the morning or afternoon. But what exactly causes this dramatic attitude change, and how do you maximize its effects? And most importantly, does it actually make a difference?
Research points to the varied mental health benefits of exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, a neurotransmitter that increases pleasurable feelings as well as decreases feelings of pain and discomfort. This may seem paradoxical seeing how most of us associate exercise with pain, however, over time, exercise increases our physical and mental strength. It encourages a bunch of different changes within the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and brain patterns that promote feelings of calm.
Exercise also allows you to focus on physical pain instead of emotional pain. It serves as a great distraction, enabling you to break the cycle of negative feelings. Exercise is a great anxiety treatment. By releasing tension for your muscles and letting that energy flow into physical activity, you’re actually easing the stress and worry from your body.
Here are some of the best workouts that people of all fitness levels can participate in:
As a long-time runner (and not to brag but the winner of several local 5Ks), even going on a light jog can relieve the worries of a long day. The best part about becoming a runner is that it’s cheap; all you need are sneakers and access to the outdoors. Start out simple by going for 10 minutes and rotating between walking and running at a slower pace. Over the course of a few weeks, you can slowly increase the time that you’re running instead of walking. Before you know it, you’ll be running 5Ks.
Biking is also a great, relatively cheap option. Bikes can be a little on the expensive side, but once you make the investment for a good quality indoor or outdoor bike, you have a great tool for daily exercise. Cycling is a great low-impact workout that simultaneously strengthens heart and lung muscles as well as lowers blood fat levels.
Personally, I am a huge fan of at-home HIIT workouts. These can be intense, but there are typically options available to all different fitness levels. The best part about these workouts is that you can find them on YouTube for absolutely no cost at all, or you can invest in a professional routine. I really like Shaun T’s “Insanity Max: 30”. However, be warned, it’s exactly as it’s advertised: insanity. Growingannanas’s YouTube channel also has great options. For those of you that like music in the background, she has a bunch of dance workouts available. Pamela Reif is great for people at a more advanced level, and I think that MadFit is perfect for beginners.
Last, but definitely not least, would be to get involved with school sports! There are so many options, and you don’t have to be a varsity athlete to try something new. Having a physical activity at the end of each school day is so refreshing before starting homework, and it’s amazing to feel that tension after sitting in class all day ease from your body. Sports at the JV level are fun, and if your school doesn’t have something that you’re interested in, start it yourself! Get some of your friends to join, and you can all work out together.
As our daily life becomes more sedentary with the development of new technologies, it’s important that we get off our desk chairs and get our hearts pumping a little. Whether you’re a varsity basketball player or you’ve never worked out a day in your life, take that first step and help both your physical and mental health.
Youtube Workout Links: